Craig Mullins Tencent Art for Age of Empires

Craig Mullins art for Age of Empires Mobile

Craig Mullins Tencent Art for Age of Empires

I recently played Age of Empires mobile and found some of the splash screen artworks featuring Crag Mullins. Its a very distintive painting style with oil and digital.

Some of the artwork he showed on his socials and website seem to be used just for loading screens.

Craig Mullins Instagram

Not sure if he is affected by AI but I think there has been a slow down in work.

Archer by Craig Mullins

Here is the Twitter Thread last year on him reflecting on the lack of jobs.

Maybe making art for games and movies won’t be the same and it’s maybe time to just breakout and do your own thing.

There was talk about his work at Tencent on Age of Empires, where it seems he had creative difference with the team on the illustrations. But it looked like he was given quite a lot of freedoms.

Tencent Games — Ben Possehl
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Illustration Masterclass with Craig Mullins – Underpaint Academy
Sign-ups open now! In this new 8-week class from the most respected and influential digital painter, learn the specific practical exercises you can do to confidently paint anything you can imagine. Join Craig as he demonstrates the exercises himself and explains how they relate to the concepts he t…