Dagor Engine East District Demo

Gaijin Entertainment Dagor Engine ready to take on Unreal 5 Visuals - War Thunder Gaijin Entertainment Game Engine

Dagor Engine East District Demo

Engine ready to take on Unreal 5 Visuals - War Thunder Gaijin Entertainment Game Engine

Recently Gaijin Entertainment released a demo video to showcase a map running inside their Open sourced Dagor Engine from their unannounced game.

The same Map “East District” was also compiled to run on Unreal Engine 5. Looking at the visuals I feel that this is a high quality engine that can compete with Unreal 5. There is also another engine Nau Engine that forked parts of this so it’s yet to be seen.

Looking at the visuals I am impressed with the lighting Dago Engine produces it does look a little bit more realistic than the Unreal Engines Demos.


Make sure to watch the video in HD Full Screen for the comparison

Dargor Engine East District Demo

The engine was open sourced in 2023 (News Link) but you require quite a bit of know how to compile and get it running. I do think that programmers and other devs might be interested to look into the tech.

Might take a look as an alternative to Unreal 5, was tinkering with O3DE and Flax. But O3DE seems like a research project and not ready from prime time. Flax while good is still not up to there with videos tutorials on making a game, and an asset store.

So far the visuals look impressive and I feel that it might provide more alternatives to Unreal Engine. I might try it out as the engine and go through the Visual Studio Build Process.

Gaijin Entertainment has shipped 3 games mainly War Thunder so means its battle tested.

Unreal Engine vs Dagor Engine looks so close

Blog post on the comparison

Our results suggest that Dagor runs the map faster, delivering equal or arguably (pure subjectively) superior visual fidelity. This includes leveraging state-of-the-art technologies such as real-time global illumination and advanced anti-aliasing. No vendor-specific “performance-enhancing” techniques, such as DLSS, XeSS or FSR (all of which Dagor also supports) are being used, and Dagor demo (unlike UE one) operates in native resolution in most configurations, aiming to demonstrate the engine's raw power and vendor-agnostic efficiency.
We understand this isn’t a perfectly fair "apples-to-apples" comparison, as the Unreal Engine version could likely be further optimized by experienced developers. Nevertheless, we hope this public release of both demos will inspire the community to explore Dagor Engine’s capabilities and potential. We’re committed to continue proving the community with more and more tools to create and innovate.

Games From Scratch Write Up and Review

Dagor Engine vs Unreal Engine – GameFromScratch.com
Dagor Engine, the open source game engine powering War Thunder, just released a demo running on Dagor as well as Unreal Engine 5.

Links to Demo and Git Hub Source

Dagor Engine version of East District demo: https://dagorenginedata.cdn.gaijin.net/rel-ceec7596681cd53080ae54d5c7f30f8e9a282a80/east_district-dagor.tar.gz

Unreal Engine version of East District demo: https://dagorenginedata.cdn.gaijin.net/east_district_ue.zip

Dagor Engine tools, multiplayer sample and more information: https://github.com/GaijinEntertainment/DagorEngine/releases/tag/dagor_2024_12_04

Dagor Engine Documentation: https://gaijinentertainment.github.io/DagorEngine/dagor-home/index.html

Demos of a new Gaijin’s game showcase Dagor Engine power - Gaijin Entertainment
An independent video game developer


Gaijin’s Engine Showcase Compares Dagor with Epic’s Unreal Engine 5
Gaijin Entertainment has showcased a game demo on YouTube, which shows off how the Dagor Engine works, as well as Unreal Engine 5.

First Published on Slipspace Newsletter Game Dev

Dagor Engine
Engine ready to take on Unreal 5 Visuals - War Thunder Gaijin Entertainment Game Engine